A clear overview of all the available configurations for the Interactions!
Here you will find everything that you need to configure in order for the heist to run perfectly. Read through the comments in file carefully to fully understand what you need to change and what not to!
Config File
SHTalk = {}
-- Locale
SHTalk.SetLocale = 'en'
SHTalk.Locale = {
['en'] = {
-- Notify
['NotHaveMoney'] = "You not enough money",
['PurchasedItems'] = "You purchase items for: $",
['NotInventorySpace'] = "You not have space in your inventory",
['NotInventorySpaceAndPurchased'] = "You not have space in your inventory for all items and purchase items for: ",
-- UI
['MenuTotalPrice'] = "Total price: $",
['MenuRep'] = "REP",
['MenuExit'] = "EXIT",
['MenuEsc'] = "ESC",
SHTalk.EnableTarget = false -- If this is a true you using qb-target/ox_target/other target, if this is false you use interaction! Check bd-talk/wrapper/client/cl_main.lua
SHTalk.InventoryImageLink = "https://cfx-nui-ox_inventory/web/images/" -- Your inventory image directory directory link
SHTalk.CloseShopOnSuccessPurchase = true -- This close talk shop on buy items and you have successfully purchase items
SHTalk.Talkings = {
Model = "ig_benny", -- Ped model
EnablePed = true, -- Enable/Disable ped
Coords = vector4(148.08, -610.06, 47.08, 344.76), -- Conversation coords
TargetLabel = "Open Talking", -- Target label
TargetIcon = "fa-solid fa-message", -- Target icon
TalkInfo = {
FirstName = 'Bobby', -- Npc first name
LastName = "Boo", -- Npc last name
Rep = "druglern", -- This is metadata name
JobType = "Drug Lern", -- You job type
Type = "Talk", -- Talk type is Talk !!!
Description = "Nice to see you drug man, can i help you?", -- First npc message if you open talk
Buttons = {
Text = "How to plant weed", -- Button label
Args = { -- Button args
PlayerRespond = "I need to lern how to plant weed field.", -- Player respond if you click on button
NpcRespond = "For this, you need to follow this actions.", -- Npc respond if you click on button
Buttons = { -- Buttons, this change button values, you can make infinity conversations
Text = "Weed Shop",
Event = "bd-talk:[Client]:AddWeedShopWaypoint",
Args = {
PlayerRespond = "Where is a weed shop?",
NpcRespond = "Weed shop is located in Sandy Shores.",
Close = false
Text = "Weed Seeds",
Event = "bd-talk:[Client]:AddWeedSeedsWaypoint",
Args = {
PlayerRespond = "Can i get weed seeds?",
NpcRespond = "Go to old weed fiels to get weed seeds.",
Close = false
Text = "How to sell weed",
Args = {
PlayerRespond = "Can i sell weed to civilians?",
NpcRespond = "You need to locate where is drug dealer boss.",
Buttons = {
Text = "Where is?",
Event = "bd-talk:[Client]:AddDrugDealerBossBlips",
Args = {
PlayerRespond = "Can i find this man?",
NpcRespond = "I give to you all drug dealer boss location, your mission is to find drug dealer boss",
Close = false
Model = "ig_benny",
EnablePed = true,
Coords = vector4(130.53, -606.15, 45.75, 9.78),
TargetLabel = "Open Talking",
TalkInfo = {
FirstName = "Jony",
LastName = "Marash",
Rep = "drugsales", -- This is metadata name
Type = "Shop", -- Talk type is Shop !!!
Shop = {
Name = "weed_water", -- Item name
Label = "Weed Water", -- Item label
Price = 500, -- Item price
Image = "weed_water.png" -- Item image name in your inventory folder
Name = "weed_fertilizer",
Label = "Fertilizer",
Price = 650,
Image = "weed_fertilizer.png"
Name = "weed_antipest",
Label = "Anti pest",
Price = 1200,
Image = "weed_antipest.png"
PayButtons = {
Label = "Pay Via Cash", -- Pay option label
Account = "cash" -- Pay option account
Label = "Pay Via Bank",
Account = "bank"
-- Options format
label = "BD Interact",
canInteract = function(entity, options)
return true
action = function(entity, options)
print(entity, json.encode(options))
isServer = false,
event = "bd-interact:clientEvent",
apple = 93, -- You can add custom params
peach = 12,
RegisterNetEvent('bd-interact:clientEvent', function(options)
print("Apple number: "..options.apple)
print("Peach number: "..options.peach)
Last updated
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