
A clear overview of all the available configurations for the Tuning Job!

Here you will find everything that you need to configure in order for the heist to run perfectly. Read through the comments in file carefully to fully understand what you need to change and what not to!

Config File

Config = {}

-- Job Timer
Config.EnableJobTimer = true -- Enable/disable job timer
Config.JobTime = 20 -- (in minutes) 20 min default 
Config.JobTimeWarns = {10, 5, 1} -- (in minutes) Time warns

-- Locale
Config.SetLocale = 'en'
Config.Locale = {
    ['en'] = {
        ['HaveWork']= "You have work",
        ['EndWork'] = "You end work",
        ['EnterInQueue'] = "You entered in work queue",
        ['YouGetVehicle'] = "You get vehicle",
        ['GetOutVehicle'] = "Get out from vehicle",
        ['YouInstallPart'] = "You install part",
        ['YouInstallAllParts'] = "You install all vehicle parts",
        ['YouTakeMoney'] = "You take a $",
        ['Canceled'] = "Canceled...",
        ['PartInstalled'] = "This part is installed",
        ['PressToInstall'] = "Press to install",
        ['PressToEInstall'] = "Press [E] to install",
        ['HaveTimeToService'] = "You have "..Config.JobTime.." minutes to go to a car service",
        ['HaveTimeToDelivery'] = "You have "..Config.JobTime.." minutes to deliver the car",
        ['TimerEnd'] = "Work time is over",
        ['DidntInstallPart'] = "You didn't install part",
        ['TimeRemaining1'] = Config.JobTimeWarns[1].." minutes remaining",
        ['TimeRemaining2'] = Config.JobTimeWarns[2].." minutes remaining",
        ['TimeRemaining3'] = Config.JobTimeWarns[3].." minutes remaining",

        ['SignInOut'] = "Sign In/Out",
        ['GetVehicleKeys'] = "Get Vehicle Keys",

        -- Job Status
        ['JobStatusLabel'] = "Tunning Job",
        ['GoToAndGet'] = "Go to GPS location and get vehicle",
        ['GoToService'] = "Go to the car service",
        ['InstallParts'] = "Install parts",
        ['Parts'] = "Parts",

        -- Blips
        ['Start'] = "Service",
        ['TakeVehicle'] = "Take vehicle",
        ['CarService'] = "Car service",
        ['ReturnVehicle'] = "Return the vehicle",

        -- Progressbars
        ['InstallingPart'] = "Installing part...",

-- Targets
Config.Start = {
    model = 'ig_benny', -- Ped model
    coords = vector4(-37.28, -1677.54, 29.49, 139.99), -- Ped coords
    targetName = 'tunning_start_npc', -- Don't touch!!!
    target = {
            event = 'bd-tunning:openMenu',
            icon = 'fas fa-circle',
            label = 'SignInOut',
    blip = {
        coords = vector4(-37.28, -1677.54, 29.49, 139.99), -- Blip coords
        enable = true, -- You have option to enable/disable blip
        sprite = 446,
        color = 17,
        scale = 0.7

Config.GetVehicleKeysTarget = {
    event = 'bd-tunning:getVehicleKeys',
    icon = 'fas fa-circle',
    label = Config.Locale[Config.SetLocale]['GetVehicleKeys'],

-- Cooldown
Config.CoolDown = 10 -- (in minutes) 10 min default. Player cooldown in minutes
Config.WorkerFindCooldown = 10 -- (in minutes) 10 min default. Next to be found work
Config.GiveWorkChance = 70 -- Chance to get work in %
Config.WorkChance = function(OtherChance) -- Chance function
    -- local chance = math.random(1, 100)
    -- if chance == OtherChance then
    --     return true
    -- end
    -- return false
    return true

-- Reward
Config.Reward = {
    moneyAccount = 'cash', -- Your money account
    moneyReason = 'Tunning Job Money', -- Your money reason
    moneyInterval = {
        min = 50,
        max = 100
    } -- Money value

-- Part Timeout
Config.UsePartTimeout = true -- Enable/disable part timeout
Config.PartTimeout = 5000 -- Timeout to remove item
Config.PartRemoveMoneyPercent = 5 -- Remove money from non installed parts in %

-- Blips
Config.CarService = {
    coords = vector3(-25.82, -1678.13, 29.46),
    blip = {
        sprite = 225,
        color = 5,
        scale = 1.0,
        route = true

Config.TakeVehicleBlip = {
    sprite = 133,
    color = 5,
    scale = 1.0,
    route = true

Config.ReturnVehicleBlip = {
    sprite = 225,
    color = 5,
    scale = 1.0,
    route = true

-- ProgressBar
Config.ProgressBar = {
    time = 5000,
    animDict = "mini@repair",
    anim = "fixing_a_ped",
    flags = 1

-- 3D Text
Config.Text3DProps = {
    scale = 0.20,
    font = 4,
    color = {
        r = 255,
        g = 255,
        b = 255,
        a = 215

-- Level System
Config.UseLevelSystem = true -- Enable/disable level system
Config.LevelMetadataName = "tunning" -- Metadata name Don't touch!!!
Config.LevelAddXp = 5 -- Adding XP modifier

-- Other
Config.RemoveItemsOnCleanUp = true -- Remove items on cleanup
Config.InstallDistance = 1.5 -- Distance to show to press [E] to install
Config.ExportGroupPermission = "god" -- Permision to export vehicle tunnings

Config.Locations = {
    {id = 1, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(244.51, -1418.64, 30.6, 11.29), spawn_coords = vector4(243.41, -1416.08, 30.59, 320.19)},
    {id = 2, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(158.44, -1066.98, 29.19, 164.51), spawn_coords = vector4(161.5, -1070.88, 29.19, 77.47)},
    {id = 3, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-281.11, -1033.84, 30.38, 2.86), spawn_coords = vector4(-283.06, -1030.76, 30.38, 347.78)},
    {id = 4, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(350.5, -1168.44, 29.29, 5.78), spawn_coords = vector4(351.94, -1165.8, 29.29, 2.8)},
    {id = 5, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(496.31, -101.07, 61.23, 240.63), spawn_coords = vector4(499.68, -104.27, 61.89, 252.66)},
    {id = 6, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(769.4, 226.59, 86.03, 235.84), spawn_coords = vector4(772.58, 222.35, 85.96, 238.45)},
    {id = 7, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(309.66, 362.57, 105.24, 3.6), spawn_coords = vector4(307.68, 365.32, 105.26, 356.39)},
    {id = 8, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-217.65, 299.88, 96.95, 313.14), spawn_coords = vector4(-215.13, 301.56, 96.95, 357.58)},
    {id = 9, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-663.51, 166.71, 59.45, 175.93), spawn_coords = vector4(-662.59, 160.56, 59.33, 227.81)},
    {id = 10, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-891.7, -14.71, 43.18, 287.06), spawn_coords = vector4(-888.06, -14.54, 43.14, 295.17)},
    {id = 11, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-1080.22, -471.65, 36.62, 156.28), spawn_coords = vector4(-1082.31, -476.38, 36.64, 184.15)},
    {id = 12, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-808.57, -743.13, 23.71, 150.54), spawn_coords = vector4(-811.24, -746.37, 23.39, 163.58)},
    {id = 13, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-723.06, -1052.28, 12.4, 121.65), spawn_coords = vector4(-726.21, -1055.2, 12.41, 120.35)},
    {id = 14, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-879.68, -1128.71, 7.09, 260.19), spawn_coords = vector4(-877.31, -1131.07, 7.09, 211.81)},
    {id = 15, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-1258.35, -1413.03, 4.3, 303.77), spawn_coords = vector4(-1256.27, -1409.42, 4.28, 29.75)},
    {id = 16, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-1040.88, -1009.32, 2.15, 217.36), spawn_coords = vector4(-1040.39, -1012.78, 2.15, 148.96)},
    {id = 17, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(-630.46, -1161.04, 9.71, 97.52), spawn_coords = vector4(-636.78, -1161.34, 9.54, 50.83)},
    {id = 18, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(1352.38, -600.17, 74.36, 18.02), spawn_coords = vector4(1351.65, -596.38, 74.34, 338.67)},
    {id = 19, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(1139.85, -296.07, 68.8, 79.69), spawn_coords = vector4(1135.45, -293.69, 68.83, 299.93)},
    {id = 20, taken = false, ped_coords = vector4(732.31, 658.04, 128.91, 122.81), spawn_coords = vector4(727.39, 654.98, 128.91, 138.94)},

Config.NpcModels = { -- Ped models

Config.VehicleModels = { -- Vehicle models, if Config.UseLevelSystem = false then level is not required for ger random vehicle 
    {model = 'kamacho', level = 10},
    {model = 'blista', level = 1}, -- You have one vehicle with level 1 if Config.UseLevelSystem = true
    {model = 'issi2', level = 25},
    {model = 'panto', level = 43},
    {model = 'sultan', level = 66},
    {model = 'kuruma', level = 40},
    {model = 'kanjo', level = 59},
    {model = 'club', level = 10},
    {model = 'previon', level = 17},
    {model = 'aleutian', level = 45},
    {model = 'baller', level = 16}

Config.RGBColors = { -- Vehicle colors in RGB
    {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},    -- Red
    {r = 0, g = 255, b = 0},    -- Green
    {r = 0, g = 0, b = 255},    -- Blue
    {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0},  -- Yellow
    {r = 0, g = 255, b = 255},  -- Cyan
    {r = 255, g = 0, b = 255},  -- Magenta
    {r = 255, g = 165, b = 0},  -- Orange
    {r = 128, g = 0, b = 128},  -- Purple
    {r = 0, g = 255, b = 0},    -- Lime
    {r = 255, g = 192, b = 203},-- Pink
    {r = 0, g = 128, b = 128},  -- Teal
    {r = 230, g = 230, b = 250},-- Lavender
    {r = 165, g = 42, b = 42},  -- Brown
    {r = 255, g = 215, b = 0},  -- Gold
    {r = 192, g = 192, b = 192},-- Silver
    {r = 128, g = 0, b = 0},    -- Maroon
    {r = 128, g = 128, b = 0},  -- Olive
    {r = 0, g = 0, b = 128},    -- Navy
    {r = 127, g = 255, b = 212},-- Aquamarine
    {r = 255, g = 127, b = 80}, -- Coral
    {r = 255, g = 0, b = 255},  -- Fuchsia
    {r = 220, g = 20, b = 60},  -- Crimson
    {r = 240, g = 230, b = 140},-- Khaki
    {r = 221, g = 160, b = 221},-- Plum
    {r = 218, g = 112, b = 214},-- Orchid
    {r = 64, g = 224, b = 208}, -- Turquoise
    {r = 75, g = 0, b = 130},   -- Indigo
    {r = 127, g = 255, b = 0},  -- Chartreuse
    {r = 135, g = 206, b = 235},-- Sky Blue
    {r = 245, g = 245, b = 220},-- Beige
    {r = 250, g = 128, b = 114},-- Salmon
    {r = 245, g = 255, b = 250},-- Mint Cream
    {r = 112, g = 128, b = 144},-- Slate Gray
    {r = 240, g = 255, b = 240},-- Honeydew
    {r = 205, g = 133, b = 63}, -- Peru
    {r = 160, g = 82, b = 45},  -- Sienna
    {r = 255, g = 228, b = 181},-- Moccasin
    {r = 245, g = 222, b = 179},-- Wheat
    {r = 65, g = 105, b = 225}, -- Royal Blue
    {r = 70, g = 130, b = 180}  -- Steel Blue

Last updated