A clear overview of all the available configurations for the Gruppe 6 Job!
Here you will find everything that you need to configure in order for the heist to run perfectly. Read through the comments in file carefully to fully understand what you need to change and what not to!
Config File
SHMain = {
SetLocale = 'en', -- You can make your language in Locale
InventoryItem = 'gruppe-bag', -- Bag item name
TruckModel = 'speedo', -- Vehicle spawn name
VehicleSpawnCoords = vec4(-19.1408, -672.5736, 32.1206, 185.1064), -- vehicle spawn loaction
--// NPCS \\--
BagsNpc = 'cs_bankman', -- Bag npc model
NPCS = {
{-- do not change the position because will break
Enable = true,
Name = 'GurppeWorkPed',
Model = "S_M_M_PrisGuard_01",
coords = vec4(-7.0669, -653.8206, 33.4501, 181.1298),
Target = {
event = 'bd-gruppe:[Client]:StartEndJob',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-clock',
label = 'StartFinishWork',
{ -- do not change the position because will break
Enable = true,
Name = 'GurppeSellPed',
Model = "S_M_M_PrisGuard_01",
coords = vec4(254.3338, 207.4787, 106.2869, 342.8590),
Target = {
event = 'bd-gruppe:[Client]:Sellbag',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-clock',
label = 'DeliverBags',
--// NPCS \\--
BagPrice = 50, -- Bag delivery price
BagSellMoneyType = 'cash', -- Bag delivery money type
BagMoneyChance = function(price)
return math.random(35, price) -- Random from 1 to BagPrice
JobNeeded = false, -- If you want ot make it require job
JobName = 'gruppe', -- Job name
RequireIdCard = true, -- If you want to require idcard
IdCardName = 'id_card', -- Idcard name
MetadataName = 'gruppe', -- Job metadata name
MoneyReason = 'gruppe6', -- When adding money reason for adding
MoneyType = 'cash', -- Reward, Bonys money type
--// Employer blip \\--
EmpBlipEnable = true,
EmpCoords = vec4(-6.8223, -655.0695, 33.4503, 356.7846),
EmpBlipColor = 43, -- Blip color
EmpBlipsprite = 477, -- Blip icon
EmpBlipscale = 0.6, -- Blip size
--// locations blip \\--
BlipColor = 43, -- Blip color
Blipsprite = 1, -- Blip icon
Blipscale = 0.7, -- Blip size
Bliproute = true, -- Diplays route
BlipAlpha = 255, -- Blip transparency
--// Deliver location blip \\--
DeliverBlipColor = 3, -- Blip color
DeliverBlipsprite = 500, -- Blip icon
DeliverBlipscale = 0.7, -- Blip size
DeliverrBliproute = true, -- Diplays route
DeliverBlipAlpha = 255, -- Blip transparency
Locale = { -- Locales. You can make your own
['en'] = {
['JobName'] = 'Gruppe 6',
['NoJob'] = 'You do not work here!',
['NoGroup'] = 'You are not in a group!',
['NoLeader'] = 'You are not the group leader!',
['NoIdcard'] = 'Not everyone has ID card',
['TruckFarAway'] = 'Your truck is too far away from you!',
['TruckWayBlocked'] = 'The place for the truck is blocked.',
['NoEnoughBags'] = 'Not enough bags',
['TooMuchWeight'] = 'It weighs a lot',
['GetBags'] = 'Go to the location and get the bags!',
['GetBagsTwo'] = 'Go to the location and get the bags!',
['GettedBags'] = 'Taken Bags:',
['BlipLabel'] = 'Gruppe 6 - Locations',
['DeliverBlipLabel'] = 'Deliver Gruppe Bags',
['TakeBag'] = 'Take bag',
['BagsDeliveryLocBlip'] = 'Deliver Gruppe Bags',
['FinalMessage'] = 'Deliver the bags and return to the employer.',
['AtmLoad'] = 'Load ATM',
['FinalMessageAtm'] = 'Return to the employer.',
['GettedAtm'] = 'Loaded ATMs:',
['GetAtmTwo'] = 'Go to the location and load the ATMs!',
['StartFinishWork'] = 'Start/Finish the job',
['SellBags'] = 'Sell bags',
['ContractGet'] = 'Get the contract',
['GettedContracts'] = 'Taken Contracts:',
['GetContractsTwo'] = 'Go to the location and get the contracts!',
['BonusReward'] = 'You receive bonus reward $',
['Nextlocation'] = 'Go to the next location',
['MenuTitle'] = 'Gruppe 6',
['MenuSubTitle'] = 'Bags amount',
["DeliverBags"] = 'Deliver Bags'
JobLocations = { -- Job locations by levels
["Level-1"] = { -- Bags load
{ Coords = vector4(147.63, -1044.23, 29.37, 108.59) },
{ Coords = vector4(312.01, -282.46, 54.16, 110.25) },
{ Coords = vector4(237.39, 217.9, 106.29, 116.43) },
{ Coords = vector4(-353.03, -53.29, 49.04, 110.18) },
{ Coords = vector4(-1211.69, -334.64, 37.78, 160.77) },
{ Coords = vector4(-2958.66, 481.86, 15.7, 221.96) },
{ Coords = vector4(-708.9, -904.52, 19.22, 226.18)},
{ Coords = vector4(28.34, -1339.29, 29.5, 153.54)},
{ Coords = vector4(378.0, 333.42, 103.57, 132.19)},
{ Coords = vector4(1159.52, -314.25, 69.21, 251.68)},
["Level-2"] = { -- Atm load
{Coords = {x = 146.0399, y = -1035.1195, z = 29.3448, w = 157.0183}},
{Coords = {x = -1205.6775, y = -324.7937, z = 37.8586, w = 115.3255}},
{Coords = {x = -1570.2079, y = -546.7178, z = 34.9566, w = 218.7226}},
{Coords = {x = 24.4578, y = -946.0446, z = 29.3576, w = 344.4838}},
{Coords = {x = 5.1645, y = -919.8654, z = 29.5582, w = 250.8005}},
{Coords = {x = 89.6865, y = 2.3770, z = 68.3085, w = 344.0815}},
["Level-3"] = { -- Contracts load
{Coords = {x = -351.1036, y = -49.8564, z = 49.0426, w = 164.5622}},
{Coords = {x = -1212.4679, y = -330.6235, z = 37.7870, w = 211.1921}},
{Coords = {x = 149.9784, y = -1040.7640, z = 29.3741, w = 168.3220}},
{Coords = {x = 314.3923, y = -279.1552, z = 54.1708, w = 161.5681}},
{Coords = {x = -2962.5657, y = 483.0396, z = 15.7031, w = 268.9099}},
{Coords = {x = 237.35, y = 217.85, z = 106.29, w = 297.95}},
Reputation = { -- Reputation to have for level
[0] = "Level-1",
[100] = "Level-2",
[200] = "Level-3",
JobData = {
["Level-1"] = {
BagsToGetPerRun = 3, -- How many bags to take from 1 npc
Bags = 18, -- Bags per Course
BagsTaken = 0, -- Do not touch
BagsTakenLocation = 0, -- Do not touch
["Level-2"] = {
Bags = 22, -- Atms per Course
BagsTaken = 0, -- Do not touch
BagsTakenLocation = 0, -- Do not touch
["Level-3"] = {
Bags = 26, -- Contracts per Course
BagsTaken = 0, -- Do not touch
BagsTakenLocation = 0, -- Do not touch
LevelRewards = {
["Level-1"] = {
Money = 554, -- Reward money
XP = 0.44, -- Reward xp for the level
HasBonus = false, -- If you want to give them bonus money
bousmoney = math.random(100, 300), -- Bonus amount
bonuschance = 25, -- Bonus give chance
HasItems = false, -- If you want to give reward items
Items = { -- random items to give
[1] = { Item = "security_card_01", Amount = 1, Chance = 10, Metadata = { reward = math.random(4000, 6000) } } -- Metadata is optional if you don't want it delete id
["Level-2"] = {
Money = 666, -- Reward money
XP = 0.27, -- Reward xp for the level
HasBonus = false, -- If you want to give them bonus money
bousmoney = math.random(100, 300), -- Bonus amount
bonuschance = 25, -- Bonus give chance
HasItems = false, -- If you want to give reward items
Items = { -- random items to give
[1] = { Item = "security_card_01", Amount = 1, Chance = 10, Metadata = { reward = math.random(4000, 6000) } } -- Metadata is optional if you don't want it delete id
["Level-3"] = {
Money = 834, -- Reward money
XP = 0.25, -- Reward xp for the level
HasBonus = false, -- If you want to give them bonus money
bousmoney = math.random(100, 300), -- Bonus amount
bonuschance = 25, -- Bonus give chance
HasItems = false, -- If you want to give reward items
Items = { -- random items to give
[1] = { Item = "security_card_01", Amount = 1, Chance = 10, Metadata = { reward = math.random(4000, 6000) } } -- Metadata is optional if you don't want it delete id
Last updated
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