A clear overview of all the available configurations for the Store Robbery Heist!
Here you will find everything that you need to configure in order for the heist to run perfectly. Read through the comments in file carefully to fully understand what you need to change and what not to!
Config File
StoreRobbery = {
Misc = {
-- Requires xsound resource
AlarmEnabled = true,
AlarmTime = 120, -- In Seconds
MaxActiveRobberiesSimultaneously = 2, -- The max amount of robberies that can be activated at once. Dont exceed two-three so it doesn't get spammed.
CopsRequiredPerRobbery = 6,
EnableCopsMultiplier = true, -- If true, the amount of cops needed to start a second heist simultaneously will be multiplied by the amount of active heists (So if its the first heist, 4 cops are needed, if its the second heist, 8 cops are needed, etc)
EnableCopsDispatch = true,
-- The total amount of fails a group can have before the heist is cancelled (Includes hacks, lockpicking, etc.)
MaxFailsPerHeist = 3,
Alarm = "",
AlarmDistance = 25,
CooldDownTime = 30, -- In minutes per store
JobTime = 30, -- In minutes how much time you have to do the whole thing
Main = {
Debug = false,
Language = "en",
Framework = 'qb', -- 'qb', 'esx' or 'standalone'
Target = "ox", -- 'ox' or 'qb'
ProgressBar = "qb", -- 'ox' or 'qb'
GroupsSystem = "bd", -- 'bd' or 'custom'
JobData = {
EnablePed = true,
Ped = "a_f_o_soucent_02",
Coords = vector4(-15.03, 216.80, 106.80, 82.48),
RequiredItems = {
["OutsidePanel"] = {
Item = "safehacking",
RemoveItem = true,
["Cameras"] = {
Item = "safehacking",
RemoveItem = false,
["Registers"] = {
Item = "advancedlockpick",
RemoveItem = false,
["InsidePanel"] = {
Item = "screwdriverset_blue",
RemoveItem = true,
["Computer"] = {
Item = "heist_usb_pink",
RemoveItem = true,
RewardItems = {
["Registers"] = {
Item = "cashroll",
MinAmount = 85,
MaxAmount = 90,
["Computer"] = {
Item = "heist_usb_red",
MinAmount = 1,
MaxAmount = 1,
Locations = {
[1] = { -- Innocence Boulevard (9/10 on the map)
-- Stage 1
OutsidePanel = { Coords = vector3(19.3936, -1335.627, 29.0623), AnimationCoords = vector4(18.36, -1335.77, 29.39, 275.29), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 2
Cameras = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(34.3008, -1348.7247, 31.6565), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, ID = 1 },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(24.0162, -1342.4719, 31.6802), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, ID = 2 },
-- Stage 3
Registers = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(24.8895, -1345.0214, 29.675), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(24.7818, -1347.2115, 29.6343), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 4
InsidePanel = { Coords = vector3(28.2307, -1338.2373, 30.4498), AnimationCoords = vector4(24.34, -1342.84, 26.38, 89.17), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 5
Computer = { Coords = vector3(29.4997, -1338.5552, 29.5943), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Misc
Misc = {
Alarm = { Coords = vector3(29.6633, -1345.7965, 28.497) },
IsRobbed = false,
IsRobberyActive = false,
[2] = { -- Rightest Highway (1/10 on the map)
-- Stage 1
OutsidePanel = { Coords = vector3(2678.3496, 3275.2832, 55.325), AnimationCoords = vector4(2679.07, 3274.86, 55.24, 59.70), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 2
Cameras = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(2684.0535, 3287.3042, 57.4423), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, ID = 1 },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(2673.595, 3281.3762, 57.4482), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, ID = 2 },
-- Stage 3
Registers = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(2676.1672, 3280.9348, 55.4191), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(2678.176, 3279.7935, 55.4191), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 4
InsidePanel = { Coords = vector3(2671.9475, 3287.1155, 56.0644), AnimationCoords = vector4(2673.34, 3286.22, 55.24, 58.50), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 5
Computer = { Coords = vector3(2672.8601, 3288.0947, 55.3456), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Misc
Misc = {
Alarm = { Coords = vector3(2679.5117, 3284.4731, 54.2411) },
IsRobbed = false,
IsRobberyActive = false,
Last updated