A clear overview of all the available configurations for the Maze Bank Heist!
Here you will find everything that you need to configure in order for the heist to run perfectly. Read through the comments in file carefully to fully understand what you need to change and what not to!
Config File
MazeBank = {
Misc = {
AlarmEnabled = true,
AlarmTime = 120,
MaxActiveRobberiesSimultaneously = 2,
CopsRequiredPerRobbery = 0,
EnableCopsMultiplier = true, -- If true, the amount of cops needed to start a second heist simultaneously will be multiplied by the amount of active heists (So if its the first heist, 4 cops are needed, if its the second heist, 8 cops are needed, etc)
EnableCopsDispatch = true,
-- The total amount of fails a group can have before the heist is cancelled (Includes hacks, lockpicking, etc.)
MaxFailsPerHeist = 3,
Alarm = "https://youtu.be/2zkx7w_p0Uw",
AlarmDistance = 100,
AlarmCoords = vector3(-1307.1188, -824.026, 20.0513),
CodeViewTime = 3, -- In seconds how much time the code for the doors will be shown on the screen
CooldDownTime = 60, -- In minutes per store
JobTime = 120, -- In minutes how much time you have to do the whole thing
RCCar = {
LoseConnectionDistance = 20,
Main = {
Debug = true,
Language = "en",
Framework = 'qb', -- 'qb', 'esx' or 'standalone'
Target = "ox", -- 'ox', 'qb' or 'custom'
ProgressBar = "qb", -- 'ox' or 'qb' or 'custom'
CheckForUpdates = true, -- Recommended to keep this enabled
JobData = {
EnablePed = true,
Ped = "a_f_o_soucent_02",
Coords = vector4(448.98, -1719.89, 29.71, 232.41),
RequiredItems = {
["TechSupport"] = {
Item = "screwdriverset_blue",
RemoveItem = true,
["VentsRFID"] = {
Item = "screwdriverset_blue",
RemoveItem = true,
["ElevatorBreach"] = {
Item = "weapon_crowbar",
RemoveItem = true,
["Generator"] = {
Item = "screwdriverset_blue",
RemoveItem = true,
["LaserPanel"] = {
Item = "thermite",
RemoveItem = true,
["VaultPanels"] = {
Item = "thermite",
RemoveItem = true,
["ComputersLastStage"] = {
Item = "laptop",
RemoveItem = true,
RewardItems = {
["Trolleys"] = { -- Per cash pile grab
Item = "cashroll",
MinAmount = 5,
MaxAmount = 7,
["CashPiles"] = { -- After all cash piles are grabbed
Item = "cashroll",
MinAmount = 50,
MaxAmount = 70,
["GoldPiles"] = { -- After all cash piles are grabbed
Item = "goldbar",
MinAmount = 20,
MaxAmount = 30,
ProgressTexts = {
"Approving Vault Unlock Sequence",
"Closing MLP Fanfiction tabs",
"Doing fancy computer stuff",
"Updating operating system",
"Finishing up..."
Location = {
-- General
Doors = {
[1] = { Coords = vector4(-1306.2043457031, -809.45135498047, 23.739482879639, 307.00100708008), Hash = -1996702802, LockedState = true },
[2] = { Coords = vector4(-1306.6641845703, -802.21588134766, 17.678468704224, 307.00100708008), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, Hash = 1573431937, LockedState = true },
[3] = { Coords = vector4(-1319.5754394531, -808.26635742188, 17.680860519409, 217.00105285645), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, Hash = -1038046021, LockedState = true },
[4] = { Coords = vector4(-1309.7088623047, -817.39556884766, 12.21767616272, 217.00103759766), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, Hash = -530845391, LockedState = true },
[5] = { Coords = vector4(-1307.9704589844, -816.08215332031, 12.217469215393, 217.00105285645), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, Hash = -141680747, LockedState = true },
[6] = { Coords = vector4(-1318.7408447266, -816.61804199219, 17.240009307861, 37.0009956359868), Hash = -1262069637, LockedState = true },
[7] = { Coords = vector4(-1316.8244628906, -815.17388916016, 17.240009307861, 217.00100708008), Hash = 1573431937, LockedState = true },
[8] = { Coords = vector4(-1313.3598632812, -820.07952880859, 17.054132461548, 37.001029968262), Hash = 1869172162, LockedState = true },
[9] = { Coords = vector4(-1304.3359375, -813.30426025391, 17.0569190979, 217.00100708008), Hash = -1858563744, LockedState = true },
[10] = { Coords = vector4(-1306.2521972656, -814.74841308594, 17.0569190979, 37.000995635986), Hash = -1560267537, LockedState = true },
[11] = { Coords = vector4(-1302.5478515625, -821.25476074219, 12.239700317383, 307.00103759766), Hash = -541242305, LockedState = true }, -- Always locked (First metal door downstairs)
[12] = { Coords = vector4(-1297.3293457031, -823.74755859375, 12.154131889343, 37.000999450684), Hash = -1858563744, LockedState = true }, -- Bottom lobby first door
[13] = { Coords = vector4(-1291.2010498047, -820.01959228516, 13.277293205261, 307.00103759766), Hash = 1573431937, IsCodeLocked = true, LockedState = true }, -- Bottom lobby seconds door (going outside)
[14] = { Coords = vector4(-1305.9132080078, -823.79083251953, 12.239700317383, 307.00103759766), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, LockedState = true }, -- Second metal door (money rooms)
[15] = { Coords = vector4(-1305.5920410156, -828.79840087891, 12.239700317383, 217.00102233887), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, LockedState = true }, -- Money room door left
[16] = { Coords = vector4(-1311.4208984375, -821.06353759766, 12.244700431824, 217.00102233887), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, LockedState = true }, -- Money room door right
[17] = { Coords = vector4(-1309.2786865234, -826.32696533203, 12.239700317383, 307.00103759766), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, LockedState = true }, -- Third metal door (vault)
[18] = { Coords = vector4(-1312.37109375, -828.87628173828, 12.301134109497, 127.00102233887), Hash = -2050208642, IsCodeLocked = true, IsCodeMoving = true, CameraHacked = false, LockedState = true }, -- Vault door
[19] = { Coords = vector4(-1317.5639648438, -826.81085205078, 12.244700431824, 217.00102233887), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, IsCodeMoving = true, LockedState = true }, -- Vault door
[20] = { Coords = vector4(-1320.0874023438, -828.71252441406, 12.244700431824, 217.00102233887), Hash = -541242305, IsCodeLocked = true, IsCodeMoving = true, LockedState = true }, -- Vault door
[21] = { Coords = vector4(-1308.8190917969, -799.31970214844, 18.031805038452, 126.99179077148), Hash = 774764467, LockedState = true }, -- Garage door
[22] = { Coords = vector4(-1306.6724853516, -816.57244873047, 17.056522369385, 307.00103759766), Hash = -1038046021, LockedState = true },
Garage = { DoorId = 21 },
TerminalLocation = {
Coords = vector3(-1293.5854, -828.6802, 12.1577),
IsBusy = false,
CamerasLocations = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(-1323.838, -809.8874, 17.4086), IsBusy = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(-1325.316, -807.9119, 17.4086), IsBusy = false },
Cameras = {
{ Label = "Vault Elevator", Coords = vector4(-1299.4249, -826.0198, 15.3775, 78.17) },
{ Label = "Vault Door 1", Coords = vector4(-1309.9888, -831.2622, 15.1508, 358.63) },
{ Label = "Vault Door 2", Coords = vector4(-1312.7128, -822.9163, 15.1686, 184.16) },
{ Label = "Vault Inside 1", Coords = vector4(-1319.6691, -829.239, 14.5893, 264.85) },
{ Label = "Vault Inside 2", Coords = vector4(-1311.5515, -831.278, 14.5853, 64.07) },
{ Label = "Vault Deposit Boxes 1", Coords = vector4(-1311.8649, -816.9971, 15.145, 189.06) },
{ Label = "Vault Deposit Boxes 2", Coords = vector4(-1304.1125, -832.0809, 15.1453, 7.32) },
{ Label = "Garage", Coords = vector4(-1313.9072, -813.0277, 20.5342, 356.99) },
{ Label = "Hallway", Coords = vector4(-1297.6945, -824.4113, 15.1141, 284.39) },
{ Label = "Lobby 1", Coords = vector4(-1307.5542, -831.3025, 20.0701, 353.09) },
{ Label = "Lobby 2", Coords = vector4(-1314.2185, -826.2095, 20.0805, 271.78) },
{ Label = "Lobby 3", Coords = vector4(-1300.5862, -827.2755, 19.3725, 250.40) },
Loot = {
[1] = { Coords = vector4(-1302.203125, -830.2818603515625, 11.05177688598632, 85.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector4(-1304.0537109375, -831.7520751953125, 11.05159950256347, 0.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[3] = { Coords = vector4(-1305.098388671875, -830.7928466796875, 11.05159950256347, 305.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[4] = { Coords = vector4(-1302.97216796875, -828.9688720703125, 11.05177688598632, 125.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[5] = { Coords = vector4(-1313.952392578125, -818.7360229492188, 11.0516767501831, 265.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[6] = { Coords = vector4(-1311.9251708984376, -817.1770629882813, 11.05185413360595, 175.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[7] = { Coords = vector4(-1313.0087890625, -820.0178833007813, 11.0516767501831, 305.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[8] = { Coords = vector4(-1310.8753662109376, -818.2562866210938, 11.05185413360595, 125.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[9] = { Coords = vector4(-1318.06103515625, -827.867919921875, 11.05149364471435, 215.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[10] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.2945556640626, -826.3672485351563, 11.05158805847168, 125.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[11] = { Coords = vector4(-1314.619140625, -827.2523193359375, 11.0517578125, 130.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[12] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.4166259765626, -829.406005859375, 11.05196666717529, 40.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[13] = { Coords = vector4(-1316.2333984375, -830.0689697265625, 11.05187225341796, 35.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[14] = { Coords = vector4(-1317.0738525390626, -830.7152099609375, 11.05187225341796, 40.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[15] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.056396484375, -830.0218505859375, 11.05168724060058, 215.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[16] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.8642578125, -830.6126708984375, 11.05159378051757, 220.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[17] = { Coords = vector4(-1316.615234375, -831.2105102539063, 11.05159378051757, 215.0), Hash = 'hei_prop_hei_cash_trolly_01', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[18] = { Coords = vector4(-1319.69873046875, -826.2452392578125, 11.99878597259521, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_gold_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[19] = { Coords = vector4(-1319.0439453125, -827.0889282226563, 11.99878597259521, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_gold_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[20] = { Coords = vector4(-1317.191162109375, -824.1617431640625, 11.99878597259521, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_gold_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[21] = { Coords = vector4(-1316.4990234375, -824.9849243164063, 11.99878597259521, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_gold_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[22] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.0443115234376, -833.0213623046875, 11.99878597259521, 215.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[23] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.8916015625, -833.6251831054688, 11.99878597259521, 215.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_cash_stack_01a', IsBusy = false, IsDone = false }
OtherObjects = {
[1] = { Coords = vector4(-1319.3336181640626, -826.5733642578125, 11.05165386199951, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_table_isl_01a' },
[2] = { Coords = vector4(-1316.7620849609376, -824.476318359375, 11.05174732208252, 310.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_table_isl_01a' },
[3] = { Coords = vector4(-1315.442626953125, -833.3568115234375, 11.05166244506836, 35.0), Hash = 'h4_prop_h4_table_isl_01a' },
[4] = { Coords = vector4(-1288.691162109375, -828.6613159179688, 3.15030670166015, 310.0), Hash = 'tr_prop_tr_elecbox_01a' },
[5] = { Coords = vector4(-1313.803, -827.1042, 12.4043, 126.33), Hash = 'prop_ld_keypad_01b' },
[6] = { Coords = vector4(-1312.041, -829.4157, 12.393, 126.33), Hash = 'prop_ld_keypad_01b' },
DoorHackedInteractions = {
[1] = {
DoorId = 15,
LootIds = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
[2] = {
DoorId = 16,
LootIds = { 5, 6, 7, 8 }
[3] = {
DoorId = 18,
LootIds = { 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 }
[4] = {
DoorId = 19,
LootIds = { 20, 21 }
[5] = {
DoorId = 20,
LootIds = { 18, 19 }
Lamps = {
[1] = { Coords = vector4(-1312.8873, -828.2325, 14.6769, 307.66) },
[2] = { Coords = vector4(-1312.8867, -828.2333, 14.3939, 307.66) },
[3] = { Coords = vector4(-1312.8906, -828.2282, 14.1276, 307.66) },
Misc = { -- Aditional things
CanAccessCameras = false,
VaultHacks = 0,
VaultHacksDone = 0,
IsRobberyActive = false,
IsRobbed = false,
-- Stage 1
FirstStage = {
TechSupport = { Coords = vector3(-1316.5282, -823.9742, 21.6843), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
SecurityVent = { DoorId = 1 }, -- DoorId from Doors table above
-- Stage 2
SecondStage = { -- Connected to stage 1
Vents = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(-1314.9471, -812.7952, 20.5985), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, DoorId = 2 },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(-1326.1481, -808.1075, 19.5864), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, DoorId = 3 },
ElevatorDoors = {
Breach = { Coords = vector3(-1308.8542, -816.7048, 11.9879), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
Doors = {
[1] = { DoorId = 4 },
[2] = { DoorId = 5 },
AditionalDoors = {
[1] = { DoorId = 6 },
[2] = { DoorId = 7 },
[3] = { DoorId = 9 },
[4] = { DoorId = 10 },
[5] = { DoorId = 12 },
-- Stage 3
StageThree = { -- The two things to hack below the ground
[1] = { Coords = vector3(-1299.5946, -818.5114, 2.0588), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1299.33, -818.88, 2.15, 37.57), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(-1296.7155, -816.3339, 2.0303), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1296.42, -816.73, 2.15, 36.53), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
-- Stage 4
StageFour = {
Coords = vector4(-1288.691162109375, -828.6613159179688, 3.15030670166015, 310.0), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false
-- Stage 5 - Includes all of the camera action where the players can see the cameras and door hash codes to hack them etc.
-- It only includes the ones that have hash codes that are not moving
-- Stage 6
StageSix = { -- Three part to open the vault
DoorId = 17, -- When this door is opened the interactions will be added
Hacks = {
[1] = { LampId = 1, Coords = vector3(-1304.6465, -826.0306, 12.2682), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1305.27, -826.46, 12.05, 310.24), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, FreezesCode = true },
[2] = { LampId = 2, Coords = vector3(-1313.813, -827.1042, 12.4043), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1313.10, -826.63, 12.05, 126.71), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[3] = { LampId = 2, Coords = vector3(-1312.071, -829.4157, 12.393), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1311.29, -828.68, 12.05, 130.79), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
Approve = { Coords = vector3(-1298.437, -817.2047, 11.8842), CanBeInteracted = false, IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
VaultDoor = { DoorId = 18 },
-- Stage 7
StageSeven = { -- The gold boxes inside the vault
DoorId = 18, -- When this door is opened the interactions will be added
DoorPanel = { Coords = vector3(-1305.7101, -817.6497, 17.2682), AnimationCoords = vector4(-1305.15, -817.20, 16.95, 129.94), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false, DoorId = 22 },
Computers = {
[1] = { Coords = vector3(-1312.8334, -823.7547, 17.0123), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[2] = { Coords = vector3(-1310.2195, -821.7783, 17.0123), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
[3] = { Coords = vector3(-1308.8611, -820.7518, 17.0123), IsBusy = false, IsDone = false },
InsideDoors = {
[1] = { DoorId = 19 },
[2] = { DoorId = 20 },
GrabCash = {
['objects'] = {
['animations'] = {
{ 'enter', 'enter_bag' },
{ 'grab', 'grab_bag', 'grab_cash' },
{ 'grab_idle', 'grab_idle_bag' },
{ 'exit', 'exit_bag' },
['scenes'] = {},
['scenesObjects'] = {}
Last updated
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