Consists of everything you need to configure for the wifi usage of a computer. Here you can manage the difficulty of the hack for each level and the amount of crypto needed for a wifi scan.
Config["Wifi"] = {
-- The time the computer will be connected to wifi for after successfull wifi hack.
ConnectionTimes = { -- In hours, depending on the hack level on the left
["easy"] = 1,
["mid"] = 2,
["hard"] = 3,
ScanCost = 1, -- Cost to scan for wifi networks in Salty
HackTimes = { -- The time you have to hack the wifi (Keyboard minigame)
["easy"] = 10,
["mid"] = 7,
["hard"] = 5,
DisabledComputerOnHackFail = true, -- If you fail the hack instead of being connected for X amount of hours to wifi, the computer gets disabled for X amount of hours.