This file is the most important config file. Here you will configure everything related to the HQ app.
The HQ App gives players access to a crime group (strain) and robbery contracts. Buying these robbery contracts will enable them to do heists in groups.
You can check out our custom-made heists specifically for the Computer and the HQ app.
Config File
Config["HQ"] = { ["Strains"] = {-- All of the expenses of managing a strain. SetStrainNameCost =10, -- Creating a strain RenameStrainCost =20, -- Renaming a strain MemberInviteCost =1, -- Inviting a member to your strain MaxMembers =12, -- Max amount of members per strain-- The cooldown a member will have to wait before they can join another strain. MemberCooldown =60*60*24*7, -- 1 week }, ["ContractsSettings"] = {-- Whether or not the contracts generate simuoltaneously-- Recommended to leave as false for better performance GenerateSimuoltaneously =false, GenerateSimuoltaneouslyWaitTime =500, -- In milliseconds-- How often the contracts will be updated.-- Recommened to keep it at 1 minute. So the contract will have +- 1 minute of expiration/reset time.-- Do not go higher than 1 minute.-- You can go lower than 1 minute but it is not recommended as it will increase server side usage because of the loop. UpdateTime =1, -- In minutes UpdateSimuoltaneously =false, UpdateSimuoltaneouslyWaitTime =100, -- In milliseconds-- Max-max people per contract. Aditional management of members amount can be edited in each contract seperately.-- How many join boxes will be generated in total. MaxPeopleInGroup =9, }, ["ContractsCategories"] = { ["all"] ="All Contracts", ["houserobbery"] ="House Robbery", ["storerobbery"] ="Store Robbery", ["drugs"] ="Drug Contracts", ["laundromat"] ="Laundromat", ["cashexchange"] ="Cash Exchange", ["ammunation"] ="Ammunation", }, ["Contracts"] = {-- Empty for now :)-- If you have bought our heists you can through their documentaion explaining what to do here.-- However though we have 1 free heist for you!-- },}