
File Path: shared/config.core.lua

This file contains the core config of the computer script. Here you will set your framework and desired inventory.

Config File

Config["Core"] = {
    DebugEnabled = true,

        Out of the box support for qb-core and ESX. Any other framework you will have to configure it yourself in client/editable and server/editable files.
        It doesn't require any advanced knowledge, just look at what qb-core is getting as information and replace these functions with your core's functions.

        Supported Frameworks:
            * qb: qb-core,
            * esx: es_extended,
            * custom: You can configure it yourself to work with any other framework. If you need help, open a ticket in our discord.
    Framework = "qb",

        Out of the box support for the inventories below. If you are using a custom inventory, you will have to configure it yourself in client/editable and server/editable files.
        It doesn't require any advanced knowledge, just look at what qb-core is getting as information and replace these functions with your inventory's functions.
        We will appreciate if you share your configuration with us so we can add it to the default configuration.
        Credits will be given.

        Your inventory must support Item Metadata, Closed Inventory Event, Set Metadata Function for items in a stash, Search Function for items in a stash in order for the inventory version to work:
            * ox_inventory is the only inventory system that is supported out of the box. The others you will have to configure yourself.
            * If your inventory system is open source with a little bit of coding knowledge you should be able to create them I guess.
            * But if you can't or don't want to do it, you can set the inventory to "ox_lib" and you will use the context menu to select the GPUs and things.

        Supported Inventories:
            * ox_inventory -
            * ox_lib - It will open a context menu with the GPUs instead of an inventory -
            * custom - You can configure it yourself to work with any other inventory. If you need help, open a ticket in our discord.
    Inventory = "ox_inventory",

    Target = "ox", -- 'qb', 'ox' or 'custom' | You can edit in client/editable/target/custom.lua

    -- ============================= --
    -- ============================= --
    CheckForUpdates = true,

Last updated