-- Params:
-- @citizenid, string - The players identifier
-- @job, string - The job that rep will be added to
-- @rep, number - The amount of reputation to add
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:AddReputation(citizenid, job, rep)
-- Example:
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:AddReputation("VEX121212", "sanitation", 0.2)
Removes reputation for the given player and job.
-- Params:
-- @citizenid, string - The players identifier
-- @job, string - The job that rep will be added to
-- @rep, number - The amount of reputation to add
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:RemoveReputation(citizenid, job, rep)
-- Example:
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:RemoveReputation("VEX121212", "sanitation", 0.2)
Returns the players reputation for the given job.
-- Params:
-- @citizenid, string - The players identifier
-- @job, string: The job you want to get the reputation for.
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetReputation(citizenid, job)
-- Example:
local rep = exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetReputation("VEX121212", "sanitation")
Returns the players level for the given job.
-- Params:
-- @citizenid, string - The players identifier
-- @job, string: The job you want to get the reputation for.
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetPlayerLevel(citizenid, job)
-- Example:
local level = exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetPlayerLevel("VEX121212", "sanitation")
Returns the player reputation and level :D
-- Params:
-- @citizenid, string - The players identifier
-- @job, string: The job you want to get the reputation for.
exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetPlayerReputationAndLevel(citizenid, job)
-- Example:
local rep, level = exports["bd-lvlsystem"]:GetPlayerReputationAndLevel("VEX121212", "sanitation")