HQ Integration
How can I add this heist to the HQ Contracts?
You need to add the following code under Config["HQ"]["Contracts"]
in bd-computer/shared/config.hq.lua
["Micheal's House"] = {
name = "Micheal's House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_1",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Micheal",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
["Franklin's House"] = {
name = "Franklin's House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_5",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Franklink",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
["Trevor's House"] = {
name = "Trevor's House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_3",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Trevor",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
["Lester's House"] = {
name = "Lester's House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_4",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Lester",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
["Franklin's Modern House"] = {
name = "Franklin's Modern House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_2",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Franklin2",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
["Janitor's House"] = {
name = "Janitor's House",
category = "houserobbery",
info = {
["Expected Loot"] = {
"Weapon Parts",
["Requirments"] = {
"A Hacker",
image = "house_6",
price = 0,
eventInfo = {
name = "bd-heists:server:houserobbery:start-job",
type = "server",
parameters = {
house = "Janitors",
minMembers = 2,
maxMembers = 4,
-- Expiration time is the time (in Minutes) you have to complete the contract from the moment it is reset/generated.
expirationTime = 20, -- 20 minutes
-- Reset time is the time (in Minutes) the contract will be unavailable for after it has expired/has been completed.
-- For example if you complete the contract in 10 minutes and the reset time is 5 minutes, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes.
-- Othewise if you don't complete the contract in 20 minutes and it expires, the contract will be unavailable for 5 minutes again.
-- In other words exact reset time depends on when the contract was completed or expired.
resetTime = 5, -- 5 minutes
Last updated